The Tangerine Road Corridor Project extends approximately 10 miles from Interstate 10 to La Canada Drive and is part of the voter-approved Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) plan. This project will improve safety, access and circulation in the region.
The Town of Marana, Pima County, and the Town of Oro Valley each share a portion of this critical transportation corridor and will be working together to design and construct the corridor improvements. The Town of Marana will act as the lead agency during this process.
Some of the major features include:
- Widening the roadway to 4 lanes with landscaped medians to accommodate future traffic demands
- Eliminating existing dip crossings and upgrade culverts to provide 100-year flood access
- Providing facilities for pedestrian and bicycle traffic
- Installing additional turn lanes and signalization at key intersections
- Reaching out to the public, businesses, and stakeholders for input
Benefits – safety & connectivity:
- Connects with recently completed widening of Tangerine Road east of La Cañada
- Provides safety improvements over existing 2 and 3 lane rural-type road improvements
- Improves safety and access by eliminating dip crossings which cause road closures during heavy rainfall and dangerous sight distance problems
- Improves safety by providing roadway shoulders for bicycle travel
- Connects two state highway facilities, Interstate 10 and Oracle Road (State Route 77)
- Provides arterial travel capacity in an area with heavy truck traffic
- Via the new Twin Peaks/Camino de Manana Corridor, provides additional and more direct access to Interstate 10 travel
- Improves mobility and access for circulator buses
- Sidewalks improve pedestrian safety and ADA-accessibility to transit stops